
Checking the status of your return

  • Go to Where’s My Refund to check the status of your refund. Make sure you have the following information available:

    • Social Security number of the primary taxpayer (Person first listed on return).

    • Filing Status (Married, Single, Separately, Widower, Head of Household).

    • Exact Refund Amount.

  • You can start checking the status of your return 24 hours after E-filing.

  • Paper filed returns should be in the system after 4 weeks.

  • The IRS updates the processing of returns daily.

Refunds for Past Returns

  • You are eligible to receive a refund for past year returns for up to three years from the original due date. For example, the deadline for filing your 2020 (Original due date was 4/15/2021) Tax Return to claim a refund is April 15th, 2024.

  • You can E-file your current return plus the previous two years. The third year would have to be mailed to the IRS.